Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rest In Peace Short Film


This project was to create a short film between 3-5 minutes. We worked in groups having to incorporate different things into our story including a water bottle, a hat, and other things. 



Pre-production consisted of picking groups, brainstorming lots and lots of ideas for a film, storyboarding, script writing, cast picking, and just all around getting everything ready to film. Getting props and dates set up and having everyone called out so we could film off school campus.


The production piece was probably the most fun. We got to leave school to film shots and voiceovers and that consisted of basically just going to the "sets" and setting everything up, reading off the script what we needed to do and then filming it. We had to make sure lighting was set correctly, often checking the white balance and using the iris ring to make sure the shots had the correct lighting. 


Once finished with production, editing comes into play. I had to upload all of our shots to the Final Cut Pro, favorite and rename them all so they could easily be found. When that was done, the shots can start to be put down in the timeline to create the story! I had to find sound fx and music that fit the tone of the story well which was kind of hard sometimes. And audio levels are always a pain to match with one another. But once everything was done, the sense of accomplishment feels amazing.

What I Learned:


Being an actor in the film, I didn't get to explore much with the cameras. I did learn though, that if it starts raining, you better run like hell with the camera. Also to make sure that your SD card has room before you go out and film for the hour. 


I learned a lot about being a team player and collaboration. Sometimes you have a really good idea and you want to share but you have to know when it's a good time to share ideas and when to just continue with what's already planned. Or when others propose ideas, how to compromise and see the best in their ideas instead of thinking only yours can work. I love working with groups because I love being able to include everyone and pull the creativity lout of people and have them do the same off me. I love when we feed off of each others ideas until we have an AMAZING concept or idea and it just blossoms into something great.


Although I really liked this short film, there are some things that can be fixed, as with anything. I would like to fix the audio levels and the flashback scenes. I wish we could have conveyed the message of the video a little better. Also I think I could have color corrected more. I thought though, on the other hand, that the music choice was really good, and that the set choices were really cool! We worked well together with the time and resources we had and I'm so proud of myself and my team for working so well together. 

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